On November 4, 2021, online mobility under WP 3.7.2: “Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Professional” was held in the framework of the UNICAC project.
5 MODULE Theme: “Sustainable International Business and Co-operation”.
The next seminar was attended by Tiina Wiksrom from Laurea UAS, professor Nozima Khasanova from the National University of Uzbekistan, UNICAC project coordinator – Head of the International Relations Department of IET TSUC Saidkosim Mukhtorov, IRD officer Razoqova Sarvar, Lecture of World Economy dpt. Qobilov Sh., Assistant of World Economy dpt. Sharipova Sh., Assistant of Social Science dpt. Hoshimov F., Department of Human Sciences, Dr. Fengxin Yan.
Introduction by Tiina Wikström was about the Round Table takeaway, topic Afghanistan. She briefly delivered about the effects of the situation in Afghanistan on Central Asia. Proceeded with presentation Dr. Fengxin Yan of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University on the theme: “Innovation and entrepreneurship education NWSUAF, China”. Then Tiina Wikström delivered a lecture on the theme: “World Circular Economy Forum 2021 Summary Report”.
At the end of the lecture was an interesting discussion about:
What are the biggest challenges in your country related to:
-Resilience (of people, groups, companies, society, etc.)
-Business & Economy
-Future and exchanged their views, best practices, and best solution.