Rules for admission of students for second higher professional education in 2017-2018 academic years.
Documents for the selection committee to be submitted from June 20 to August 10, and interviews take place from 11 to 25 August.
For applicants wishing to get second higher professional education, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of higher professional education and the rules of the admission committee, the following documents must be submitted in due time:
– An application addressed to the rector of higher educational institution;
– Diploma with annex on the termination of higher professional educational institution (original);
– A copy of the employment history, depending on the qualification and chosen specialization;
– 6 photos, size 3 x 4 cm;
– medical certificate form 086;
– passport or identity document.
After reviewing documents of an applicant, the admissions committee takes into account existing differences and suggests following forms of admission (with the exception of medical specialties):
– with presence of differences of not more than 7 disciplines (three-year education);
– with presence of differences of more than 7 disciplines (four-year education).
On the basis of the requirements of the admissions committee of higher educational institution, applicants are accepted through an interview to obtain the second higher professional education.
By the rector’s decree of higher professional educational institution on admission of students for the second higher professional education, results are announced no later than 15 days after the interview based on decision of the admission committee.
Applicants who did not attend the interview on that date without valuable reason, won’t be considered by the admissions committee.