Ҳадафи асосии Донишкада

амалӣ намудани дастуру супоришҳои Асосгузори сулҳу ваҳдати миллӣ–Пешвои миллат, Президенти кишвар муҳтарам Эмомалӣ Раҳмон оид ба тайёр намудани мутахассисони дар бозори меҳнат рақобатпазир мебошад. Бо ин мақсад дар Донишкада тайёр намудани мутахассисон дар асоси ҳаматарафа омўзонидани:

а) донишҳои касбии иқтисодиву ҳуқуқӣ;

б) сатҳи баланди муошират дар фаъолияти меҳнатӣ;

в) технологияҳои инноватсионии муосир ва иқтисодиёти рақамӣ;

г) на кам аз 3-4 забони хориҷӣ ба роҳ монда шудааст.

Ҷалилзода А.А.

The opening ceremony of the International Scientific and Research Center of Mozi Workshop in Khujand

On August 20, 2024, the opening ceremony of the International Scientific and Research Center of Mozi Workshop in Khujand was…

Mozi Workshop started its seminar sessions in Khujand!

On August 12, the Mozi Workshop started its seminar sessions. According to the agenda, there were 3 sessions. At the…

Mozi Workshop is in Khujand!

On August 9th the Delegation from the Chinese partner university Shenyang Normal University visited Khujand, Tajikistan. The Chinese delegation was…

The Unveiling Ceremony of the “Mozi Workshop” of Modern Agriculture in Khujand, Tajikistan

On July 29, 2024, under the guidance of Liaoning Provincial Department of Education, Shenyang Normal University, Institute of Economy and…

The Opening of China-Tajikistan Joint Digital Laboratory of Agriculture in Khujand

Following the developing of friendly relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Tajikistan due to the…

The Visit of the Rector of the Northwest Agrarian and Forestry University of China to the Institute of Economics and Trade of the Tajikistan State University of Commerce

During the visit of the President of the People's Republic of China, Honorable Xi Jinping to the Republic of Tajikistan,…

Jean Monnet Center for Excellency in Competition Law Call for Best Student Paper Award

The Jean Monnet Center for Excellency in Competition Law is…

Slovakia National Scholarship Program

Dear applicants who are interested in the Slovak Republic National…

Info session at ICGE! Don’t miss your opportunity to find out more on Studying, Teaching & Research in Slovakia!

Erasmus+ ICM 2024-2025 workshop

The International Center and Global Engagement is conducting a workshop…

Call for the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility in the Universidad de Cantabria

The International Center and Global Engagement is excited to announce…


塔吉克斯坦拥有巨大的农业发展潜力。因此,其政府给予高度重视,将经济的快速工业化和确保粮食安全作为关键的战略目标。塔吉克斯坦共和国总统埃莫马利·拉赫蒙在题为《塔吉克斯坦外交和国内政策的主要因素》年度报告中强调了 "绿色融资对于实施工业和基础设施项目的重要性,尤其是对于环境和粮食安全具有重要作用的项目"。http://president.tj/en/node/29825。 塔吉克斯坦国立商业大学经贸学院 (IET TSUC)位于胡占德,其创建机构是Tojikmatlubot 联盟。该校的主要工作重点就是为实现国家战略目标和完成Tojikmatlubot 联盟的工作任务。Tojikmatlubot 联盟的主要目标之一与塔吉克斯坦的第三个战略目标--"粮食安全 "直接相关。 Tojikmatlubot…