The Department of Science and Innovation was established in 2010.
The first head of the department of science and innovation was Usmonov Irmat Usmanovich.
In general, the department of science and innovation was managed by the following professors, who contributed to the development of the institute:
Boboev Sirojiddin Salahovich, Docent.
Alijonov Jamshed Abdukaevich, Docent.
Mainusov Donish Fazliddinovich, Docent.
Field of activity of the department:
Scientific research works:
- a) Cooperation with 12 departments of the Institute for research works
- b) Editing and reviewing scientific articles, monographs, teaching methods and scientific works of teachers.
- c) Monitoring and supervision of research work in the institute through the anti-plagiarism program.
- d) Implementation of the order of the Ministry of Industry and Management and the Council of Scientists on the development and improvement of science.
- e) solving current problems related to the department.
Organization and holding scientific conferences:
- a) Conducting the April conference of the faculty for teachers and students of the Institute annually in April.
- b) Conducting conferences, scientific clubs, seminars, meetings and organization of national festivals for raising the patriotism of teachers.
- c) Jubilee of the Day of Science of Tajikistan and organization of the conference on this day.
- d) Organization and conduct of scientific-theoretical international conference at least once a year.
Training of scientific personnel.
The department pays special attention to increase the degree of scientific potential of the Institute.
- a) for the training of scientific personnel, the department cooperates with the department of master, postgraduate and doctoral studies to assist in the preparation, development and review, as well as in editing and publication of scientific prototyped topics.
- b) Publishes and distributes scientific monographs of scientists, professors, docents and candidates of science and organizes meetings, conferences and clubs.
- c) the department chooses talented masters, postgraduates and doctoral students, to train young professionals and takes the necessary measures to help young people to grow.
- d) At present, 7 Doctors of Sciences and 67 docents and candidates of sciences and 10 masters in IET TSUC conduct scientific, educational and methodological activities.
Science and Technology Park
At the same time, by the initiative of IET TSUC, the Technological Park “Economy and Trade” was established, which was integrated into the Science Department. The technological park includes production departments, educational centers and computer technology training centers. Production departments include courses on sewing modern dresses, publication of educational programs and syllabuses, textbooks, monographs. Training centers include a center for entrepreneurs, centers for teaching foreign languages, training course “Finance and Business” and a center for staff development.
The computer technology training center consists of three sections:
- Short-term training courses on WINDOWS;
- Short-term courses on in-depth study of MS Word. MS Excel;
- Electronic control systems;
The center also offers short-term courses for the preparation of translators and specialists in the translation of scientific and legal documents.
List of candidate and doctoral dissertations for the period 2012-2018
№ | Last name, First name | Scientific degree | Year of defense |
1 | Ishonova U. | candidate of economic sciences | 2012 |
2 | Kamolov F. | candidate of philological sciences | 2012 |
3 | Normatova Sh. | candidate of economic sciences | 2012 |
4 | Sharipova M. | candidate of economic sciences | 2012 |
5 | Khomutova L. | candidate of economic sciences | 2012 |
6 | Маshokirov Sh. | candidate of economic sciences | 2012 |
7 | Маinusov D. | candidate of philological sciences | 2013 |
8 | Амinov I. | Doctor of economic sciences | 2014 |
9 | Таjibaev Sh. | candidate of jurisprudence | 2014 |
10 | Juraeva N. | candidate of economic sciences | 2014 |
11 | Solijonov R. | Doctor of philological sciences | 2015 |
12 | Yakubova N. | candidate of economic sciences | 2015 |
13 | Jamoliddinov S. | candidate of economic sciences | 2016 |
14 | Аzimov A. | Doctor of economic sciences | 2016 |
15 | Rasulova G. | candidate of philological sciences | 2016 |
16 | Ismoilova M. | candidate of philological sciences | 2016 |
17 | Islomova P. | candidate of philological sciences | 2017 |
18 | Davlyatova Ch. | candidate of philological sciences | 2017 |
19 | Аtohodjaeva M. | candidate of economic sciences | 2017 |
20 | Мuhitdinova Sh. | candidate of economic sciences | 2017 |
21 | Niyozov J. | candidate of economic sciences | 2018 |
22 | Gadoiboeva Sh. | candidate of economic sciences | 2018 |
23 | Rakhmatova Z. | candidate of philological sciences | 2018 |
24 | Saidhodjaeva M. | candidate of philological sciences | 2018 |