The opening ceremony of the International Scientific and Research Center of Mozi Workshop in Khujand
On August 20, 2024, the opening ceremony of the International Scientific and Research Center of Mozi Workshop in Khujand was held in a solemn atmosphere at the Institute of Economy and Trade of the Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand (IET TSUC). It is worth mentioning that this center was organized within the support program of the Ministry of Education of the Liaoning Province of the People’s Republic of China and was organized by the Shenyang Normal University together with the IET TSUC.

On the occasion of this solemn event, 17 people from the city of Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, from among the staff, experts and students of the Shenyang Normal University, visited the city of Khujand. The working group was led by the Secretary of the Communist Party of the College of International Education, the coordinator of the Mozi workshop program Mr. Sun Fuguan and the Secretary of the Communist Party of the Faculty of Arts Professor Wang Xiaodong, also the Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences Professor Zhang Yang, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Management Sui Xin.

At the beginning of the opening ceremony, the outstanding examples of classical culture, music and songs of the Chinese people were presented by the Affiliated Art School of Shenyang Normal University.

At the opening ceremony, congratulatory messages were delivered by the organizers, partners and guests of the event. Among others, the following took part in the opening speech.
Congratulatory speech of the Chair of IET TSUC by the Deputy Director of IET TSUC, Associate Professor D.A. Mirpochoev. In the speech it was noted that Tajikistan, as a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and a participant in the initiatives within the framework of the “One Belt One Road” project, highly appreciates the contribution of the People’s Republic of China to the development of the region, including the development of culture and education, and nowadays the universities of Tajikistan maintain international relations with Chinese colleagues and partners, which are expanding at a very high rate. In conclusion, the establishment of the International Scientific and Research Center of Mozi Workshop in Khujand was brought as a good example of this partnership.

Then, the congratulatory speech of the Secretary of the Communist Party of the College of International Education, the Institutional Mozi Workshop coordinator, Professor Sun Fuguan, began with an expression of gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Board of IET TSUC for comprehensive support of the partnership between universities. Then he talked about the achievements of the two universities in the last 2 years and the new opportunities that the Mozi Workshop offers to everyone. He has mentioned, that 13 experts conducted seminars and workshops for more than 85 people (many of them specialists from industrial enterprises and companies) in 4 modules for 10 days. In addition, more than 470,000RMB was donated by the Mozi Workshop project to equip the International Scientific Research Center of Mozi Workshop in Khujand, including laptops, SMART LED screens, cameras, books, etc. Moreover, Mozi Work Program plans to award 3 full scholarships to IET TSUC students to study at Shenyang Normal University.

In his speech, Shuhratjon Mashokirov, Deputy Director of Education, noted that they play a key role in improving the quality of education and expanding the scientific capacity of the university. International scientific and research centers will contribute to the improvement of the educational process, increase the level of knowledge of students, and connect education with practice through the introduction of modern methods of research and training. The course of practical and laboratory work carried out in such centers has a positive effect on the improvement of critical thinking of students and raises the level of education.
Saidqosim Mukhtorov – Coordinator of the International Scientific and Research Center of Mozi Workshop in Khujand spoke about the first steps, the achieved results and the strategic plan of the Center.

Ms. Li Xiaoyi – Coordinator of Central Asia Programs at Shenyang University of Education, delivered a speech on behalf of Liaoning Shiyuan Agricultural Technologies Company LLC about the support of this project, the company’s plans related to the partnership with Mozi Workshop, including the training of specialists in Tajikistan and their future employment in China. The company has supported the partial renovation of the premises and campus entrance of the IET TSUC, which will host Mozi Workshop’s International Research Center in Khujand.

Ahrorov Ahrorkhan – the director of the development department of LLC “Farovon-1” considered the creation of such centers as timely and relevant, and said that it is connected with the policy of LLC “Farovon-1” about improving quality of education. He noted that there is a crisis of highly qualified specialists in the labor market and the level of professionalism of today’s graduates unfortunately does not meet the growing demands of enterprises. It is necessary to study the experience of developed countries, introduce modern educational programs, joint centers, including the experience of China, to increase the level of literacy, professionalism and technical skills of young people.

After the official speeches at the opening ceremony, LLC “Tajik Fish Corporation” and LLC “Komron-Agro” to establish a partnership with the International Research Center of Mozi Workshop in Khujand the memorandum of understanding has been signed.

At the end of the ceremony, officials raised the curtain on the sign of the symbolic brand plates of Mozi Workshop and announced its official opening.

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