Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan
Higher Education Development Project
Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC
“Strategic directions for improving the quality of education and competitiveness of HEIs
Institute of Economy and Trade of the Tajik State University of Commerce within the framework of the “Higher Education Development Project” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, funded by the World Bank, is implementing the grant project “Strategic directions for improving the quality of education and competitiveness of HEIs”. As part of the project, international scientific and practical online conference “Strategic directions for improving the competitiveness of HEIs: European experience and issues of its application” will be held from September 3-4th, 2020.
The purpose of the online conference: to study problems and develop recommendations for improving the quality of education and competitiveness of HEIs of the economic profile, taking into account the principles of the Bologna process.
The conference is held in the following sections:
- Student-centred educational standards: the European experience and issues of application in the Republic of Tajikistan;
- Improving teaching methods and strategic directions for improving the competitiveness of universities in the context of globalization: challenges and trends;
- Digitalization of education: opportunities and risks.
The key topics of the conference are:
- Problems of improving the quality of education in modern conditions;
- Competence-based approach in the organization of the educational process: national and international experience;
- Issues of competence formation and learning outcomes in a State Educational Standards for economic specialities;
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of study programs: criteria and indicators;
- The structural and logical approach to the preparation and implementation of curricula of specialities and syllabuses/modules of disciplines;
- Internationalization of academic activities: problems, benefits and prospects;
- International accreditation of study programs and its role in improving the quality of higher education;
- Business education in the context of globalization: challenges and trends;
- Directions for improving the competitiveness of universities in modern conditions.
Working language of the conference: Tajik, Russian, English.
The procedure for submitting applications and articles: The application for participation in the conference and articles must be sent by email no later than August 25, 2020. Also, authors who have a Gmail account can upload articles when registering for the online conference application via the link
Please send your application to participate in the conference in the following form.
Surname, name, patronymic (middle name) |
Name of the institution or organization (in full), position |
Participation form (full-time, part-time, remote) |
Academic degree, academic title |
E-mail |
Phone (mobile) |
Title of the article: |
Section name |
The materials of the scientific and practical online conference will be published in the journal collection of scientific papers. The electronic version of the collection will be published in the IET TSUC website, and printed versions will be sent to participants by postal mail.
Program Committee:
1) Fakerov Kh. N. – rector of the Tajik State University of Commerce, Doctor of Economics, Professor
2) Afghonov S.-coordinator of the “Higher Education Development Project” Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan
3) Olimi R. L.-Director of the Institute of Economics and Trade of TSUC, candidate of economics, associate Professor
4) Todor Radev – rector of the Varna University of Management (Varna, Bulgaria), PhD, Professor
5) Ronny Heintze -Senior consultant for quality assurance and accreditation Agency AQAS, (Cologne, Germany)
6) Zaneta Simanaviciene – head of the educational program at the Mykolas Romeris University, doctor of Economics, Professor (Vilnius, Lithuania)
7) E. A. Gorbashko – Vice-rector for research at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Russian Federation)
8) Tarasova E. E – first Vice-rector for research at the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Russian Federation)
9) L. I. Goncharenko – head of the Department of Tax policy and Customs regulation of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor
10) Mukhtorov S. S. – head of the International relations office, the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC
Organizing Committee:
1) Aminov I. – Deputy-director for international affairs of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, doctor of Economics, Professor
2) Kadyrova Z. Kh. – Vice-rector for science and international affairs of the Tajik State University of Commerce, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
3) Kayumov A. A. – Deputy-director of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, candidate of economics, associate Professor
4) Mirpochoev D. A. – Deputy-director of science and innovations of Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, candidate of economics, associate Professor
5) Qobilov Sh. – project Manager “Strategic directions for improving the quality of education and improving the competitiveness of HEIs”, senior lecturer at the Department of World Economy of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC
6) Salimov I.I. -head of the Department of planning and control of the educational process of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, candidate of technical science, associate Professor
7) Komarova G. B.-head of the Department Economics and entrepreneurship of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, candidate of economics, Professor
8) Ismoilova D. M.-head of the Department Finance and credit of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, candidate of economics, associate Professor
9) Muhitddinova Sh. S. – head of the Department of World Economy of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, candidate of economics, associate Professor
10) Sharipov A.- Head of the Department of Higher mathematics and information technology of the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC, candidate of math, associate Professor
Materials must be submitted up to 10 pages in sent or uploaded in MS Word format. Page format: A4. Font: Times New Roman, 14 size, spacing -1.15; margins: right-15mm, left-30mm, top, bottom-20 mm.
Tables in the text must be done in Excel or Word without colour filling. Figures made in MS Word should be grouped and represent a single graphical object. Formula size: regular character-11 PT, capital index-7 PT, lowercase character-9pt. Style formulas: variable – italic, matrix-vector – bold.
The abstract of the article should not exceed 100 words and should reflect the main content of the article and the results of the research. Abstracts of articles in Russian and English are mandatory.
The maximum number of keywords and phrases should not exceed 10 words.
References to sources are made in square brackets, for example [3, p. 15]. Footnotes are not allowed. If the article does not correspond to the topic, directions of the conference and does not comply with these requirements, the Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish the submitted article.