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World Bank Supported Grant
Current project proposal is developed for call in the Higher Education Project for Tajikistan supported by the World Bank, where the main objective is to develop mechanisms that improve and monitor the quality and labor market relevance of higher education. “The project comprises of three components. The first component, institutional-level improvements consists of following two sub-components: (i) just-in-time grants to re- and up-skill workforce; and (ii) competitive grant program for universities. The second component, system-level interventions consists of following three sub-components: (i) quality assurance enhancements; (ii) system-wide higher education curriculum reform; and (iii) assessment of higher education financing. The third component will support project management, communication, training, monitoring and evaluation, operating costs, and the project’s audits” (WorldBank, 2015).
The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of education and training of specialists through the development of infrastructure and internationalization of the academic activities of the institute, considering modern innovative technologies, this way ensuring an increase in the level of employment of graduates. The target group of specialties consists of:
- Technology and information system in the economy
- Information Economy
- World economy
- Finance and credit
- Business administration
The main components of the project are:
- Auditing the quality of education;
- Internationalization of academic activities;
- Readiness evaluation for international program accreditation;
- Improvement of the institute’s infrastructure, material and technical base and Software
The objectives of the project are:
- improving the quality of education;
- application of foreign HEI’s experience in the educational process;
- revision of specialties and updating curricula considering the needs of the labor market;
- training in professional ethics and business communication
- Improvement of the infrastructure;
- upgrading technical equipment;
- increase in the proportion of female students
Financing of the project is carried out at 97% due to the grant, from World Bank and 3% of the institute’s funds. The project will be coordinated by the international relations department of the institute in cooperation with all the departments of the institute. In project implementation support from international experts and professor are needed, therefore a team of international expertise from leading universities of CIS countries and Europe will created. Within the framework of this project IET TSUC is willing to cooperate with Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania), Varna University of Management (Varna, Bulgaria), St. Petersburg State Economic University (St. Petersburg, Russia), Belgorod University of Commerce, Economics and Law (Belgorod, Russia), Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), and more. Close partnership relations with business entities will be improved along the lines of industrial practice and employment (currently there are more than 150 units).
For more detailed information, please click here