The department Commodity Science and Custom Activities is part of the Faculty of Commerce, Customs and Law of IET TSUC. The department began its activity in accordance with the decree of Scientific Council of TSUС under № 03/53 from September 1, 2010. From 2010 to 2014 head of the department was Ph.D., docent Qobilov N.K. and since February 14, 2013 – candidate of economic sciences, Docent Jalolov N.M.
In accordance with the requirements of modern world, in order to train highly qualified specialists, department trains students in the following specialties: customs – 96010100, commodity science and goods expertise – 25010900, economy and enterprise management (light industry) – 27010116.
The department consists of 17 lecturers, including: 12 full-time and 5 part-time. These are 6-docents, 5-senior lecturers, 6-assistants. Qobilov N.K. – candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor, honored student of RT; Isayev Kh.I.- senior lecturer, an excellent student of the Republic of Tajikistan, honored worker of the Union of Consumer Cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan, an excellent student of the Union of Consumer Cooperation; Ataeva F.A. – senior lecturer, excellent student of the Union of Consumer Cooperation.
At the department there is a laboratory for conducting experiments and office for storing educational supplies.
Academic staff of the department, along with educational activities, conducts research work.
The main objective of the research work of the department is to study issues of ensuring the security of the country’s economy, security of the economy outside the country, the development of the main activities of the modern customs administration of the Republic of Tajikistan, testing the quality of goods (import), determining the tasks of standardization and quality of goods, standard and development of light industry in the Republic of Tajikistan.
In recent years, the faculty has published more than 10 textbooks, 37 educational guidelines, more than 100 research articles that are used in the educational process.
As a result of fruitful work of Ph.D. Qobilov N.K. received the author’s certificate on 2 scientific inventions:
1. Methods of obtaining iodine from the skin of the walnut. Author’s certificate on scientific invention under № 0273 TJ of 02.08.2010.
2. Patent relating to the discovery and invention: A patent for the invention of an apparatus for the production of iodine from green peel of a nut. The patent was given by the Center of Invention by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan of February 22, 2013, No. 437.