Mashokirov Shuhrajon Usmonjonovich
Since January 29, 2021, he has been working as a Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at State Educational Institution “Institute of Economy and Trade Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand city”.
Date of birth: January 04, 1978
Place of birth: Asht district
High education: In 1999 he graduated from Tajik State University of Law, Business, and Politics.
Specialty: economy
Academic rank: candidate of economic science, docent
Knowledge of foreign languages: Russian, English (with vocabulary) languages.
Marital status: married, four children
Professional activity and work experience:
• 2005-2007 – Assistant at the department of the “Management and Marketing” at the Unified Educational Complex “Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand city.”
• 2007-2010 – Advisor for the credit system at the Unified Educational Complex “Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand city.
• 2010-2015 – Secretary of the Academic Council at the Institute of Economy and Trade Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand city.
• 2015-2017 – Senior Inspector of the Department “Education quality control”
• 2017-2021 – Head of the Department “Monitoring and education quality control”
• 2021-present – Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.