Декан факультета – кандидат экономических наук, Джалолов Н. М.,
The Faculty “Commerce, Customs and Law” began its educational, methodical, scientific and educational activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Law “On Education”, the Law “On Higher Professional Education”, the Law “On parental responsibility on childhood care and education”, the Charter and the Instruction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as Regulations of IET in the sphere of education.
The Faculty of Commerce, Customs and Law began its activity as an integral part of the IET TSUC on the basis of the order No. 03/53 from 01.09.2010.
The structure of the faculty consists of four departments.
Department of Sociology is headed by c.ph.s., docent Jonazarov D.Kh.
Department of Commodity Science and Customs was established on the basis of the charter of IET TSUC Scientific Board in September 2010. The need to create a department was served by changes taking place in the economy of today’s independent Republic of Tajikistan, for the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of customs, commodity science, consumer goods expertise, economics and enterprise management (light industry). The department is headed by candidate of economic sciences, docent Dzhalolov N.M.
Department of Management runs Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Gozybekov S.A. It prepares qualified specialists in the field of “Management” and “Management of local authorities”.
Department of Commerce and Law, being an integral part of the Faculty of Education, conducts its activities under the supervision of c.j.s. Khusainova Sh.M. The department trains specialists in marketing, commerce, economic and international trade law.
The staff of the Faculty of commerce, customs and law consists of dean, deputies for the academic, scientific and educational part, as well as secretaries. The post Dean of the faculty was conferred to c.j.s. Tojiboev Sh.A. The post Deputy Dean of Education was conferred to c.e.s. Sharipov Z.U., the research activity of the faculty was transferred to Deputy Dean of Science, c.h.s., Associate Professor Tursunova G.N., issues related to the development of youth solves Khodzhiev A.S.
The main goal of the Faculty of commerce, customs and law is to participate in solving the main tasks of the Institute, and first of all it is implementation of the instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the country, respected Emomali Rahmon, for the preparation of competitive specialists in the world labor market.
The implementation of the educational process is impossible without the provision of good material and technical support. Presently, the material and technical base of the faculty meets state standards requirements.
All offices are equipped with computers, laptops, printers and other technical equipment. There are 25 computer laboratories, 4 laptops, 12 printers, 1 electronic board and 17 projectors at faculties and departments.