On November 18,2021, within the framework of the UNICAC project was held online mobility under WP3.7.2. «Multicultural and multidisciplinary professional».
7 MODULE Theme: Technology and Project Work in Future Working Life
The panel event was attended by Professor Tiina Wilkstrom from Laurea UAS, Lecturer Akmal Ibodulloev (Social Sciences dpt.), Institute of Economy and Trade TSUC, Tajikistan. Assistant Teacher of the World Economy, Shahnoza Sharipova, Institute of Economy and Trade TSUC, Tajikistan Saidqosim Mukhtorov Institute of Economy and Trade TSUC Head of International Relations department, Nozima Khasanova, National University of Uzbekistan, teacher at the department of Theory of Translation and Comparative Linguistics, Razokova Sarvar Officer of International Relations Department, and other UNICAC partners.
Professor Tiina Wilkstrom informed the participants about the topic of the seminar and made presentation on the given topic where she explained the importance of technology in this technology-dependent society we live. Later the topic went on about the use of Technology and the achievements of different countries in the sphere of technology especially the invention of robots in Japan which aimed at nursing the elderly people and so on. The representatives of different states explained the achievements of their country and all the participants got acquainted with the new information during the conference.
Also, Hoshimov F. expressed his thoughts on technology in future working life and stated: « Tajikistan is also paying huge attention to development in the sphere of technology in our country and the Leader of Nation, The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon is funding the organizations to invent the new technologies. We can bring a clear example in the name of Azizjon Azimi who is the alumnus of Stanford and Harvard universities, who is the founder of Zypl.AI in Tajikistan who has opened the first “Artificial Intelligence” hub in Central Asia and he has built a product line which focuses on applying machine learning in underwriting credit to first-time financial customers».
During the event Professor Tiina Wilkstrom displayed the videos where the trust and interactions of people and technology were explained, where the participants got more information on new technologies which are ahead of us and their benefits. Also, the students discussed, shared and exchanged their views on strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of technologies in Finland and Tajikistan.