Erasmus+ ICM 2024-2025 workshop

The International Center and Global Engagement is conducting a workshop for the students who plan to apply for the Erasmus+ ICM 2024-2025 held at the Universidad de Cantabria. We would be happy to guide and support you regarding the application process. Looking forward to meeting you in the #workshop!
Date: 20 March 2024
Time: 10:00
Venue: Ismoili Somoni Avenue 169, Main Hall.


Call for the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility in the Universidad de Cantabria

The International Center and Global Engagement is excited to announce a call for the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility held in the Universidad de Cantabria for students.
For more information visit the link below and contact the Erasmus+ ICM Manager Firuz Okhunov

Eligibility: be a student of IET TSUC, at the first and second year of bachelor studies.
Deadline: March 26, 2024


塔吉克斯坦拥有巨大的农业发展潜力。因此,其政府给予高度重视,将经济的快速工业化和确保粮食安全作为关键的战略目标。塔吉克斯坦共和国总统埃莫马利·拉赫蒙在题为《塔吉克斯坦外交和国内政策的主要因素》年度报告中强调了 “绿色融资对于实施工业和基础设施项目的重要性,尤其是对于环境和粮食安全具有重要作用的项目”。。

塔吉克斯坦国立商业大学经贸学院 (IET TSUC)位于胡占德,其创建机构是Tojikmatlubot 联盟。该校的主要工作重点就是为实现国家战略目标和完成Tojikmatlubot 联盟的工作任务。Tojikmatlubot 联盟的主要目标之一与塔吉克斯坦的第三个战略目标–“粮食安全 “直接相关。

roundtable meeting

Tojikmatlubot 联盟拥有 314 公顷果园和葡萄园的农场,其中 49.5公顷为果园,264.5公顷为高产葡萄园。这些果园和葡萄园平均每年收获 450 多吨葡萄和110 多吨水果。为了有效利用旱地,每年都要种植约10-15公顷的新果园和葡萄园。公社的畜牧场有167 头牛、1066 头小牛和 938 户蜂农。目前,有 3 个特别支持的农场:图尔荪佐达区的 “希尔肯特”、鲁达基区的 “希索尔 “和塔吉克马特卢博特联盟管辖的 “萨吉尔达什特 “养蜂场。

Presenting gifts

在此背景下,IET TSUC 有意调整其办学模式、办学设施与合作方向,以促进和支持塔吉克斯坦联盟(AGREENTAJ)成立的愿景。因此,将与中国陕西省杨凌市西北农林大学 (NWAFU) 的合作提升至战略层面。西北农林科技大学是农业领域的顶尖大学,享誉全球。根据ESI最新排名,其农业科学位居世界大学前千分之0.1。


作为此次合作的一个重要部分,西北农林科技大学国际合作与交流处副处长邹宇峰博士率团赴塔吉克斯坦国立商业大学经贸学院进行了访问。代表团成员包括:农学院教授韩清芳、经济与经济管理学院教授阮俊虎、杨凌节水灌溉国家工程研究中心副教授张体彬、食品科学与工程学院副教授欧阳少辉和机械与电子工程学院副教授闫锋欣。代表团先后访问了以Shirnishoh Shohtemur命名的塔吉克农业大学(TAU)和IET TSUC。此次访问的目的就是共同加强农业领域的合作伙伴关系,在 AGREENTAJ 项目框架内举办研讨会,以及签署 AGREENTAJ 框架内的创新联盟备忘录,并组织实地调研。

7 月 19 日(第一天),代表团会见了塔吉克斯坦农业大学校长 Mahmadyorzoda Usmon Mamur 教授及其团队。双方就如何加强伙伴关系进行了讨论,同意支持互利项目,成为丝绸之路农业教育与研究创新联盟的成员。塔吉克斯坦农业大学校长强调了与中国高校,特别是与西北农林科技大学在联合研究、建立科技园、实验室、联合研究项目和实习项目等方面建立伙伴关系的重要性。邹宇峰副处长对塔吉克斯坦农业大学的倡议和想法表示支持,并邀请该校团队到杨凌参加今年9月的国际会议。圆桌会议结束后,该校组织与会人员参观了学校科技园、温室等设施,并就这些设施的性能进行了介绍。

西北农林科技大学代表团在索格德地区胡占德的日程安排非常紧凑。 7 月 20 日全天与 IET TSUC校长Hoshimzoda Homid Hasan 教授、主管科研与国际事务副校长Dalerjon Mirpochoev、国际中心与全球事务处处长Saidqosim Mukhtorov及相关工作人员进行了会谈。校长在主校区门口热烈欢迎了代表团一行。双方在介绍了各自的大学基本情况、主要办学目标和任务后,找到了扩大双方合作的共同点。

friendship handshake

自 2019 年以来,IET TSUC 与西北农林科技大学建立了牢固的合作伙伴关系。在闫锋欣副教授的支持和协调下,两所大学在Erasmus+计划下建立了合作伙伴关系,即UNICAC项目。此后,双方一直在国际研究和能力建设项目方面开展合作。双方对继续保持合作关系,并在教育、科学、技术和经济领域建立更好的中塔合作关系充满信心。

在这次富有成效的会议之后,西北农林科技大学的学者们就农业研究、水土管理、农业现代化机械化技术、农产品电子商务和小麦质量研究等主题举办了一系列研讨会。IET TSUC 还邀请了当地的商业伙伴、Farovon有限公司的技术专家和公共组织质量管理中心的专家共同参与研讨。

seminar on agriculture

代表团全体人员参观了Farovon有限责任公司的动物饲料生产设施。首席技术专家贾法尔琼·伊布拉吉莫夫(Jaffarjon Ibragimov)展示了工厂的生产线、生产能力、生产效率、设备和智能管理中心等。参观结束后,公司管理层主持召开了Farovon有限责任公司与西北农林科技大学合作伙伴业务合作圆桌会议,人力资源部主任伊尔霍姆琼·萨托洛夫介绍了Farovon公司集团以及所从事的相关行业。邹宇峰副处长阐述了双方合作的规划和愿景,即如何深化与Farovon有限责任公司和 IET TSUC 合作,将学术研究及其国际伙伴关系与当地企业融合在一起,为 Farovon有限责任公司带来更多益处。西北农林科技大学和 IET TSUC 的合作意向是建立创新研究中心和示范园区,让西北农林科技大学、IET TSUC 的学者和包括 Farovon 公司员工在内的当地从业人员能够提高科研修养,共同参与实践研究。闫锋欣副教授强调了与企业合作的重要性,同时邀请Farovon有限责任公司人力资源部负责人伊尔霍姆琼·萨托洛夫参加今年9月在中国陕西省杨凌召开的国际会议。此外,还邀请Farovon公司集团成为 AGREENTAJ创新联盟的成员。

visit to factory


filedside visit

field side visit


Strengthening collaboration ties with Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University for the development of agriculture in Tajikistan

Tajikistan has great potential for the development of agro-industry. Therefore, the government pays special attention to it, as rapid industrialization of the economy and ensuring food security are key strategic goals. During the annual address of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon, “On Major Dimensions of Tajikistan’s Foreign and Domestic Policy”, he emphasized the importance of “green financing for the implementation of industrial and infrastructure projects, especially those that are important from the point of view of the environment and food security”.

The Institute of Economy and Trade of the Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand (IET TSUC), of which the Union of Tojikmatlubot is a part, is primarily focused on contributing to the achievement of the country’s strategic goals and the mission of the Union of Tojikmatlubot. One of the main goals of the Union of Tojikmatlubot is directly related to the 3rd strategic goal of Tajikistan – “Food security”.

roundtable meeting

The Union of Tojikmatlubot in its structure has supported farms, which have 314 hectares of orchards and vineyards, of which 49.5 hectares are orchards and 264.5 hectares are productive vineyards. On average, more than 450 tons of grapes and more than 110 tons of fruit are harvested annually from these orchards and vineyards. To effectively use the dry land, about 10-15 hectares of new orchards and vineyards are planted every year. In the livestock farms of the commune, there are 167 cattle, 1066 small cattle, and 938 bee families. At present, there are 3 especially supported farms: “Shirkent”, Tursunzoda district, “Hisor”, Rudaki district, and “Sagirdasht” beekeeping farm under the jurisdiction of the Union of Tajikmatlubot.

Presenting gifts

In this context, IET TSUC has intentions to improve its structure, facilities, activities, and directions of cooperation to contribute to and support the vision of the establishment of the Union of Tajikistan. As a result, the following partnership with Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University (NWAFU), Yangling, Shanxi Province, P.R. of China was strengthened and brought to a strategic level. NWAFU is the top university in the field of agriculture, recognized globally. According to latest, ESI ranking, its agriculture science ranked 0.1‰ among the universities in the world.

logosAs part of this partnership, the honorary delegation of NWAFU led by Dr. Yufeng Zou, deputy director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office, and scholars: Qingfang Han, Professor at the College of Agronomy; Junhu Ruan, Professor at the College of Economics and Economic Management; Tibin Zhang, Associate Professor at the National Engineering Research Center for Water Saving Irrigation in Yangling; Shaohui Ouyang, Associate Professor at the School of Food Science and Engineering; and Fengxin Yan, Associate Professor at the College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, visited the Tajik Agrarian University (TAU) named after Shirnishoh Shohtemur and IET TSUC. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen partnerships in agriculture, hold seminars in the framework of the AGREENTAJ project, as well as to sign a memorandum for innovation alliance in the framework of AGREENTAJ, and organize field-side research.

On the first day, July 19, the delegation met with the Rector of TAU, Prof. Mahmadyorzoda Usmon Mamur, and his team. Mahmadyorzoda Usmon Mamur and his team to discuss the partnership and ways to improve bilateral relations. The two sides agree to support mutually beneficial projects as both are members of the Silkroad Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance. The Rector of TAU emphasized the importance of partnerships with Chinese universities, especially with NWAFU, in various aspects, including joint research, the establishment of technoparks, laboratories, joint study programs, and internship programs. Deputy Director Yufeng Zou supported the initiatives and ideas of TAU and invited the university team to visit Yangling for the International Conference in September this year. After the roundtable, the university organized a tour of its facilities – technoparks, and greenhouses, and the performance of these objects was discus

The agenda of the NWAFU delegation in Khujand, Sughd region was very intensive. A full-day program on July 20 started with a meeting with the Director of IET TSUC, Professor Hoshimzoda Homid Hasan, Vice Director of Research and International Affairs Dalerjon Mirpochoev, and Head of International Center & Global Engagement Saidqosim Mukhtorov and other staff and partners from companies. Director warmly welcomed the delegation at the gates of the main campus. Both sides after introducing their universities, and their missions and goals found a common ground to expand bilateral cooperation.

friendship handshake

IET TSUC has a strong partnership relationship with NWAFU since 2019. The two universities established a partnership under the European Union’s Erasmus+ program, the UNICAC project, with the support and contribution of Associate Professor Fengxin YAN. Since then, they have been working together on international research and capacity-building projects. The two sides have great interest in continuing the partnership and building a better connection between China and Tajikistan in education, science, technology, and economy.
The productive meeting was followed by a series of seminars held by honorary scholars of NWAFU on the following topics: agricultural studies, water and soil management, mechanization technologies for agricultural modernization, e-commerce of agricultural products, and wheat quality studies. The IET TSUC also invited local business partners, technologists of LLC Farovon, and specialists of PO Quality Management Center After.

seminar on agriculture

The whole group had a visit to the facilities of LLC Farovon, the production of animal feed. The chief technologist Jaffarjon Ibragimov demonstrated the work of the factory, production lines, capacities, and efficiency of production, equipment, and intelligent management center. After the tour, the round table on business cooperation between LLC Farovon and the partners of NWAFU was hosted by the management of the company, the Head of HR Ilhomjon Sattorov presented the group of Farovon companies, their activities, and the different industries they are engaged in. Deputy Director Yufeng Zou shared his ideas and vision on how they can partner with LLC Farovon and IET TSUC to converge academia and its international partnership with local businesses. In this case, the partnership between NWAFU and IET TSUC would bring benefits to LLC Farovon. The joint intentions of NWAFU and IET TSUC are to build innovative research centers and demonstration parks where scholars from NWAFU, IET TSUC, and practitioners from local partners, including LLC Farovon staff, can improve their qualifications and jointly engage in practical research. Associate Professor Fengxin Yan emphasized the importance of cooperation with enterprises and invited the Head of HR of LLC Farovon Ilhomjon Sattorov to participate in the International Conference to be held in September this year in Yangling, Shanxi Province, P.R. China. As well as invited a group of companies Farovon to be a member of the Innovation Alliance of AGREENTAJ project.

visit to factory

At the end of the day, the working group and the NWAFU delegation went for field research. To examine and test soil, crop, irrigation systems, and techniques. The experts Yufeng Zou, Qingfang Han, Junhu Ruan, Tibin Zhang, Shaohui Ouyang, and Fengxin Yan had a direct dialogue and interview with local farmers and local agricultural experts, which helped to evaluate the efficient use of land and productivity of crops. This field research helped to understand how NWAFU could further contribute to and support the development of agriculture and introduce new innovative approaches, techniques, technologies, and best practices for growing healthy, nutritious, and ecological products.

filedside visit

field side visit

Saidqosim Mukhtorov,
Head of the International Center & Global Engagement

Student Best Paper on Jean Monnet Competition Law

The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence announces the Best Paper Award for students of the member of HEIs. Candidates are required to make a research and write an article on one of the following themes:
Topic 1: New Trends in Competition Law
Topic 2: Competition Policy Contributing to the European Green Deal
Topic 3: Competition Law Enforcement and Advocacy
The winner of the student Best Paper Award will be INVITED to participate at the 2024 JMCOE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND PANNONIAN STUDENT CAMP in October, 2024 in Osijek (Croatia).
For checking the eligibility criteria and more information click here.

HAPPENING NOW. UniCEN roundtable

Deputy director for Science and Foreign Affairs c.e.c., docent Dalerjon Mirpochoev, and the head of the International Relations Department Saidqosim Mukhtorov participating in #UniCEN roundatable virtually in Dushanbe, hosting in Bishkek and organized by American Councils. Roundable dedicated to the cooperation between Academia, government, business and NGOs, particularly in the achievement of the Central Asian regional SDG agenda.
Saidqosim Mukhtorov suggested creation of the Central Asian Universities Association for the integration of the universities, forging capacities and resources to face regional challenges in the achievement of the SDGs.
Also he has commented on question of the moderator Ms. Elena Son, about embedding SDGs topics to all related courses, rather than making it a separate course. Quoting Saidqosim Mukhtorov “It’s about student’s perception on SDGs, one thing is when just one teacher deliveres one course, and different when all wide scope teachers and experts are delivering SDGs agenda as the part of the course”.
At the end to the presentation of the rector of the Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan) Ms. Anastasia Aliyassova, who were sharing the experience of partnership with Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, Saidqosim added the experience of the IET TSUC together with Old Dominion University, particularly shared a success story of Virtual International Bootcamp of the students from the USA, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The peculiarities of Tajik alphabet and sounds

We had a meeting with UNICAC partners in the frame of program on the following topic: Development of Potentials for International Cooperation in Teaching/Learning/Research – 3.7 Pilot Testing: Mobility actions of students and professors. The consortium engaged attendees from the University of Torino (Italy), Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Institute of Economy and Trade of Tajik State University (Tajikistan), National University of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan), and Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Uzbekistan).
Due to this event I had an interesting class on the theme “The peculiarities of Tajik alphabet and sounds” with international students. The aim of the class was to provide the foreigners with materials about similarities and differences of pronunciation and writing of Tajik and English letters and sounds. In the course of the lesson we mostly spoke a lot about origination of our language, culture and history of alphabet. The students were very active and passionate and gained a lot about the mentioned themes. During the lesson the students practiced this language and communicated with us in Tajik.

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