The main research directions of the department are connected with issues of commerce, socio-economic and legal provisions in the field of transition to market relations, which are directly related to the scientific issues: “Problems of the development of market relations and their legal regulation in the Republic of Tajikistan”.
Teaching staff of the department:
doctor of economic science, docent Aminov I.A.,
candidates of science, docents – Davutov Sh.S., Samadov B.O., Samadova Z.A.,
candidates of science senior lecturers – Baratova N., Sharipov Z., Akilov F., Husainova Sh., Tajiboev Sh.,
senior lecturers – Alimatov H., Khonkildiev M., Shamsiddinov A., Temirova M.H., Boimatova D.P., Saidzoda H., Faizulloeva N.A., Nosirov M.R., Maukhammadieva Z.A., Qayumov A.A., Nabieva M.A., Tavasharov F.F., Makhmudov R.B., Hamroev B.A., Dadoboev A.,
6 assistants – Avazmatova G.N., Juraeva S., Rakhmatova N., Khojabieva N.D., Zaripova G.S., Rasulova G.,
senior laboratory assistant – Husainova M.K.
Recently, following scientific results have been achieved by the members of the department:
1. Aminov I.A. – Doctoral thesis on topic: “Formation of the regional market of food products on the basis of commodity and trade business (on the materials of regions of the Republic of Tajikistan)”, 2014;
2. Tajiboev Sh.A. – candidate dissertation on topic: “Legal regulation of futures concluded on commodity exchanges”, 2014;
3. Khusainova Sh.M. – candidate dissertation on topic: “The emergence and development of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan in the period 1924 – 1937”, 2011;
4. Sharipov Z.U. – candidate dissertation on topic: “The role of rural households in increasing the procurement and production potential of the Republic of Tajikistan”, 2010;
5. Akilov F.I. – candidate dissertation on topic: “Criminal law of the Islamic Republic of Iran: formation, principal institutions, trends and development”, 2010;
Results of scientific, educational and methodological achievements of the department in recent times:
1.Aminov I.A. “Food market: the problems of commodity and trade business development.” Dushanbe, Irfon – 2013.
2. Samadov B.O. “The legal status of individual entrepreneur in the Republic of Tajikistan and in the Russian Federation: comparison and legal analysis”. Khujand – 2011.
3. Samadov B.O. “Commercial Law” (in Tajik), Khujand – 2012.
4. Samadov B.O. – “Entrepreneurship Law”, part 1 (in Tajik). Khujand – 2013.
5. Samadov B.O. – “Entrepreneurship Law”, part 2 (in Tajik). Khujand – 2014.
6. Samadov B.O. – “Responsibility in entrepreneurial activity: state and legal regulation and its practical implementation” (in Tajik). Monograph. Khujand – 2014.
7. Nabieva M.A., Samadov B.O. “Theory of State and Law” (in Tajik). Khujand – 2014.
8. Mukhammadiyeva Z.A. “Jurisprudence”. Khujand-2011.
9.Oblokulov O., Nabieva M.A. “Civil Law” (in Tajik). Khujand-2011.