In 2010 in IET TSUC the Faculty of Economics and innovation technologies was created.
The education methodical, scientific educational activity is set on the basis of standard state education in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The faculty consists of four departments, two of them are general, and two others are special.
Department of World Economy under the leadership of c.e.s. Mirpochoev D.A. conducts educational activities, educational – methodical and scientific training of specialists in the field of international economic, credit and financial relations, international business and foreign economic activity of enterprises.
Department of Economy and Entrepreneurship under the leadership of c.e.s.,Komarova G.B. conducts educational activities, educational – methodical and scientific training of specialists in the field of economics and business management.
Department of Higher Mathematics and Innovation Technologies under the leadership of c.e.s.,Sharipov A.K. conducts educational activities, educational – methodical and scientific training of specialists in the field of Technology, Information Systems and Economic Informatics.
Department of Foreign languages under the leadership of c.p.s.,Fuzaylova R.K. conducts educational activities, educational – methodical and scientific training of specialists in the field of to improve the level of knowledge of foreign languages.
Faculty’s activity in the field of education is organized with the department of Education and work with youth of institute. Senior lecturer, the deputy dean of the faculty, Rahimov Erkin is responsible for the monitoring of attendance of students, dress code of students, organization the students’ participation in social activities of city and university, having meetings with different sectors, veterans , etc.
All the above mentioned events are hold in accordance with educational plan, which each year is approved in the faculty by Scientific Board, in august before the start of academic year.
The plan of events is compiled on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for upbringing and education of youth: The concept of the national curriculum, adopted on March 3, 2006.
In order students to follow all the rules of higher educational institution, there created and printed the manual for students, where they get acquainted with requirements and rules of the Institute. To improve the quality of students’ education, representatives of the faculty meet with parents and notify them about their children’s performance.