1. Tourism Business
2. Foreign Economic activity of enterprises
3. World economy
4. International Monetary and Credit Relations
5. International investment
6. International trade
7. International tourism business
8. International economic relations
9. Fundamentals of Diplomacy
10. Introduction and fundamentals of scientific researches
11. Geography of the world economy
12. Economics and organization of small business
13. International tourism
14. The fundamentals of international business
15. World economy and foreign economic activity
16. State regulation of foreign economic activity
17. International License Exchange
18. Geography of Tajikistan and its demographic basis
19. Economic and regional geography
20. International tourist organizations
21. Analysis of economic and financial activity of participants in foreign economic activity.
22. International Trade organizations
23. Commercial activity (in English)
24. International Management (in English)
25. Logistics in FEA (in English)
26. Management (in English).
27. Marketing (in English).
28. Informatics (in English).
29. Statistics (in English).
30. Higher mathematics (in English).
31. Economic analysis (in English).
32. Econometrics (in English).
33. Tax and taxation (in English).
34. The economy of enterprise (in English).
35. The tax system of foreign countries (in English).
36. Pricing in the international market (in English).
37. Microeconomics (in English).
38. Macroeconomics (in English).
39. Economic theory (in English).
40. Culture and business (in English).
41. Accounting and audit (in English).
42. Business planning (in English).
43. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship (in English).
44. Modern conception of natural science (in English).
45. International Cooperative Movement (in English).
46. Finance, money circulation and credit (in English).
47. Taxes and customs payments (in English).
48. Fundamentals and examination of goods (in English).
49. International securities market and stock exchange activity (in English).
50. Bank accounting (in English).
51. Bank and financial statistics (in English).
52. Financial system of foreign countries.
53. Banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan (in English).
54. Regulation of exchange rates (in English).
Head of the department
World Economy, Docent Mirpochoev D.A.