Mirpochoev Dalerjon Alijanovich
Since June, 2019 holds the post of Deputy Director for Science and Innovation at State Educational Institution IET TSUC in Khujand
From September 1, 2021, the deputy director for Science and Foreign Affairs of the State Educational Institution of the IET TSUC in Khujand.
Year of birth: September 3, 1977
Place of birth: Khujand
Nationality: Tajik
Education: Khujand State University named after B. Gafurov, specialty “Finance and credit” (1994-1999)
Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, full-time postgraduate education at the Department of Taxation and Taxation (2003-2007)
Specialization: economy and management of agro-industrial complex
Degree and scientific title: candidate of economic sciences, docent
Foreign languages: Russian, English
Phone: +99292 775-99-50 (mobile + viber) + 99292 600-49-26 (mobile)
E-mail: daler1@mail.ru