The Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC held a festive event dedicated to the 71th anniversary of Victory Day and the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan with the participation of members of the Great Patriotic War. The Deputy of the director on educational work, c.e.s., docent Ahrorova G.U. welcomed the attending people and gave the floor to the participant of GPW Eshonov Muhammadkhon. Eshonov Muhammadhon, a veteran of World War II, told teachers and students about his participation in the Battle of Stalingrad.
Then the students congratulated the people with their performance, where students read poems, sang the song “Katyusha” showed a small play about the days of the war, which brought up students in the spirit of patriotism.
At the end of the event students of the institute who took prizes in sporting events (Olympics) among higher education institutions in the Sughd region, were awarded medals and certificates. The festive event dedicated to Victory Day in the IET TSUC left a lasting impression.