On the 13th of May in the morning on the initiative of the Department of Youth Union of Tajikistan in Sughd region with the participation of thousands of students and teachers there was held a march that took place on the avenue Ismoili Somoni to Hukumat area, near the flag of the Republic of Tajikistan in Khujand.
A large delegation of professors, teachers, students and staff of the Institute of Economy and Trade TSUC in Khujand, along with hundreds of students of higher educational institutions of the region took an active part in this important political event. Students of the Institute with the slogans “Amendments and Additions to the Constitution are the Factors to the Development of the Society”, “Referendum is Profitable for the Society”, “Amendments and Additions are the Means of the Strengthening of Democratic Values” and etc. This march was undertaken to demonstrate the consent and approval of the amendments and changes to the Constitution, as well as the support for a reasonable policy of peace and national unity of the Leader of the nation, the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.