We are continuing to actively engage in the UNICAC project activities.
On February 23, 2021, commenced a 4-day series of the 4th Training Module: EU-Central Asia-China cooperation with a special focus on Higher Education organized virtually by the University of Torino (UNITO), Italy. The objectives of this training module are to improve the mutual expertise and network, exchange good practices in cross-regional cooperation and identify the challenges and future perspectives of the partners.
Firstly, at the welcoming and opening session video presentation of the UNITO and Torino city was made with the following short overview of the international relations of UNITO.
In the main part – Cross-regional cooperation with focus on the partner countries, prof. Inmaculada Vivas from the University of Seville presented a short overview of the UNICAC project, followed by Juan Guerrero (IMCOMA director) and Beatriz Gonzàlez (INCOMA/UNICAC project manager) identified the goals and expected results of the WP2.5.
At the wrap-up part of the seminar, there was a panel discussion and sharing of ideas regarding the upcoming training themes and activities.
The coordinator of UNICAC in IET TSUC Mukhtorov Saidqosim pointed out that UNICAC was the first Capacity Building project the IET TSUC got involved in. The impact of the project has been enormous for the IET TSUC, particularly to its international relations and expanding of foreign networks The University has built ties with several partner universities of the project. In particular, IET TSUC had arranged the academic mobility with the University of Laurea (Finland) in the framework of the Erasmus program, also involved Laurea in its internal capacity building project financed by MOES RT. In the nearest future, IET TSUC is intended to cooperate closely with Uzbekistan’s universities of the UNICAC consortia to enhance its capacity to accept Uzbek incoming students and to sign bilateral contracts regarding the research, students’ and teaching staffs’ academic process.