DUSHANBE, 14.11.2019 (NIAT Khovar) – The Terrorist, Extremist Organisation’ internet portal have been banned in the territory of Tajikistan.
It should be noted that the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan was made on August 15, 2019 on recognition as a terrorist and extremist organization of the National Alliance of Tajikistan and banned its activity in Tajikistan, blocking the websites relating to this organization and prohibiting the import and distribution of their audio recordings, videos, literature, publications and editions in Tajikistan.
The following internet portals have been banned, related to National Alliance of Tajikistan, the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan and other terrorist and extremist organizations.
«kimya saadat» ,
«zindoniyon. com»,
«tojik islom.ucoz.ru»,
«islamhouse. com/ru/»,
«whyislam. com»,
«muhajeer. com»,
«new. sadaislam. com»,
«Группа24» ttps://www.facebook. com/grou Ds/ 1739568342 923996A,
«паёмиmapflym»(https://www.facebook. com/ groups / l 101993096488697/),
«Бги Дега» (https://www. facebook.com/Bm-4era-3738158 50025587),
«Radio Payom» (https ://youtube. com/channel/ UCvobZlG2 CmxvEkwYlXHY OvO),
«Паймони Миллии Тоҷикистон» (https://www. voutube. com/channel/UCiUldein02WcF1149h-m VA),
«Payomi Mardum» (https: //www .youtube. com/channel/ U С v obZ 1 G2CMxy Ekw Y1XH Y OvQ),
«Паймони Миллии Тоҷикистон» (https:// www.faceb00k. C0m/ naftM0roi – MKAHH — T04HKHCT0H — 596956310802091/),
«Группа-24» (https://www. youtube. com/ channel/ Ucm CWlaokpZVoCrvi80UvIuA),
«HAQTJ» (https:// www.youtube. com/channel/UCsWkRTYoK tENMHbelkgwGcO),
«ПАЁМ tv» (https://www. youtube. com/ channel/ UCO qafr VhGQV pv8SsIu_wcxw),
«POLITIK TJ» (https: //www. voutube.com/ channel/UCf9pX DJUFHotTGkMm80Jlw),
«Ҳизби Наҳзати Ислом» (https://www.voutube.com/channel/UCKvg Qh01VBbx Woito6xP Kg),
«ГРУППА 24 LIVE» (https://www.voutube. com/channel/UC3iz3J495UOoSa Vg Bw GC 09 w),
«Группа 24 Общественное политические движения» (https://www. facebook. com/groups/guruhi24/),
«Group-24» (https://www.facebook. com/ group 24net/),
«Паёми Мардум» (https://www.facebook. com/pavomimardumA.