Starting from Monday, 18.04.2022 to Saturday, 22.04.2022-23.04.2022 a group of lecturers, members of IRO at the IET TSUC and the students of English groups participated in the UNICAC mobility program training under the supervision of UNICAC program in NUUz, Uzbekistan.
The training provided the staff of International relationship offices with managerial expertise and specific skills in thematic areas related to the efficient administration of international relationship offices and the development of internationalization. This learning module conveyed knowledge about networking, international networks, and cooperation agreements as well as funding opportunities for cooperation programs. The first day of the training started with welcome speeches of the vice-rector for international relations of NUUz, Raima Shirinova, representers of Host universities prof. Elina Wainio – LAUREA university (Finland) and Mutriba Ismoilova – IET TSUC in Khujand (Tadjikistan) has welcomed all the guests, introduced the university’s general strategy and mission, and expressed interest in cooperation with all partners. Afterward, Prof. Raima Shirinova continued with the Internationalization strategy and ongoing international projects. Mrs. Nasriddinova Maisara and Farangiz Komilova from IET TSUC expressed their gratitude to have the opportunity to take part in this training in Tashkent. They emphasized the general idea of UNICAC and how it could be beneficial for all consortia members. All of them wished for a very fruitful training at NUUz. Every participating organization presented her/his own institution and themselves.
In the course of the training project partners visited the Department of Uzbek linguistics of the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Social Sciences Department “Ethics and aesthetics”. During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the problems of Uzbek language and foreign language learning and teaching of social-humanitarian subjects and their solutions. Doctoral students talked about their scientific work and received interesting information on their topics.
The second day of the training (Tuesday, 19.04.2022) was devoted to increasing the potential for international and cross-regional cooperation HEIs. It served for better international networking, enhancement, and taking better advantage of collaboration. The consortium engaged attendees from the University of Torino (Italy), Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Institute of Economy and Trade of Tajik State University (Tajikistan), National University of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan), and Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Uzbekistan).
During the meeting there were discussed several significant topics such as internationalization in HEI. The internalization program is a response to the challenges and needs the globalization to bring more specifically the globalization of education. This achieves due to academic programs such as the present project UNICAC. The meeting started with the opening speech by Nilufar Sadullaeva, local coordinator of UNICAC project, Raima Shirinova, vice-rector for international relations of NUUz, Aziza Abdurakhmanova, NEO Coordinator, Hikmat Saburov, vice-rector for scientific works and innovations. The plenary reports were presented by leading scientists from different countries: Zarina Rahmonova “NUUz IRO and University international relations”, Shahzoda Egamberdieva “NUUz and internationalization processes”, Nargiza Nurmuhamedova “Scientific potential of the NUUz”, Elina Wainio “Perspectives to Internationalization”, Mutriba Ismoilova “Introduction to the Institute of Economy and Trade of Tajik State University of Commerce: Challenges in Internationalisation of Research and Teaching”, Gulnoza Odilova “Gastronomy tourism of Uzbekistan”, Malika Fayziyeva “El Yurt: opportunities for talented youth”, Nadia Coggiola “The main features and accomplishments of UNICAC project”, Elmira Jandullaeva “Implementation of innovative ideas, technologies and projects”, Hulkar Rahimboeva “Historical places of Uzbekistan”.
After the training there was an excursion around the NUUz campus.
On the third day of the training (Wednesday, 20.04.2022) there was a workshop seminar for students, they participated in various lessons, seminars at the Faculty of Foreign Philology. They engaged in activities provided by teachers. During the seminar the first minister of Higher and secondary special education Komiljon Karimov, heads of the international relations department, and project members took part in the event. In his speech, Karimov expressed his views on the internationalization of higher education institutions in the Republic, increasing the international rating, attracting foreign professors and teachers and foreign students, further expansion of international projects, and thanked the National Office of Erasmus+ for cooperation in the implementation of international projects. Lectures and presentations by Prof. Nadia Coggiola, Prof. Elina Wainio, Maisara Nasriddinova listened to this seminar training.
The next day (Thursday, 21.04.2022) the program of the first training was evaluated by filling out a feedback survey and having an evaluation discussion. The timetable and more detailed objectives of the ACTIVITY: Development of Potentials for International Cooperation in Teaching/Learning/Research – 3.7 Pilot Testing: Mobility actions of students and professors were also discussed. It seemed not to be clear to the participants what the contents and practicalities of different work packages were, the coordinators had to emphasize this more in the future. It was decided and agreed, that the participants list had to be prepared in prior and if it was not the previous participants from same workpackage, they needed to be informed about the project idea, scope and some summary from last training, so he knew participants could participate in trainings with some preparation.
After the training the participants of it visited “Ethno cultural show”
And at the end of the training – Friday-Saturday, 22.04.2022-23.04.2022 there was a tour to Samarkand.
On Monday, 25.04.2022 lecturers and staff members returned to the IET TSUC. The four students from the Institute have to attend classes at the Faculty of Economics in the Department “Of Economic Theory” for a week more.