On May 12, 2022 the guests from the partner universities of Finland, Italy, Spain and Uzbekistan conducted lessons in English groups of Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC. Professors explained the topics related close to their chosen profession. The student activity could be seen during the lesson and they were also excited to share their own opinion by bringing examples.
Finland representatives had topic on “Service design” and students worked by dividing into several groups. While discussing the “what could Tajikistan do to attract more foreign exchange students?” which was the center topic and it included topics on promoting and mountains, nature, Navruz, more relations with other universities, travel agency in Khujand, more English groups and programs and traditions. Most students did their best to leave an excellent impression on Professors of foreign partners and could express their own point of view. The representatives of the partner universities also gave essential information about their universities mostly about the education study and opportunities.
The students of Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC got valuable experience and witnessed the best international practices while participating in lessons. The students shared their interest to greet them back to Tajikistan the next time and were very grateful for the conducting the lesson.