June 19, 2021, in the framework of the UNICAC project and with the initiative of the National Erasmus+ Office in Tajikistan, Khorog State University and the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC has organized a national roundtable. A national roundtable brought together field experts from Higher Education Reform Experts, Czarina Nuriddinova, Erasmus+ coordinator in Tajikistan, Nurova Sanavbar, Moscow State University branch in Dushanbe, Olga Sayfulloeva, Khorog State University and teaching and administrative staff of the IET TSUC. In the national roundtable, key speakers brought the most relevant topics of higher education internationalisation, including the importance of internationalisation strategy, international cooperation in higher education, higher education trends, etc.
The director of the IET TSUC Hoshimzoda Homid Hasan in a welcome speech gave an overall picture of internationalisation processes, how we are tackling the issues of internationalisation during the COVID-19 pandemic and what is our vision in terms of Internationalisation. It is therefore to mention, that Hoshimzoda Homid Hasan is involved in developing the new Strategic Plan for Internationalisation of the IET TSUC in the framework of the UNICAC. He has mentioned, that The strategic development of IET TSUC is based on the comprehensive internationalisation of the university, that is, we strive for the continuous development of the institute, taking into account the improvement of teaching, learning, research activities, and modernization of infrastructure, through international projects and our international network, which is mainly developed in the Erasmus+ offered opportunities.
Using the opportunity of being Khorog State University and the Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC in the same room NEO Tajikstan has decided to follow up with UNICAC implementation. Ms. Czarina Nuriddinova has opened a meeting, shared her expressions, and some insights from this morning’s monitoring of the UNICAC project, which generally had a positive assessment. The main part of her presentation was dedicated to the new ERASMUS+ 2021-2027, and what opportunities it has for HEIs.
The Higher Education Reform Experts Nurova Sanavbar and Olga Sayfulloeva continued with the interesting topics on the Internationalisation of the curriculum, business engagement in designing study programs, microcredits in higher education, and entrepreneurial education. The relevant topics raised many questions in the room and participants were proactively discussing them. In the break partnership opportunities and joint projects between Khorog State University, Institute of Economy and Trade of TSUC and Moscow State University branch in Dushanbe were discussed.
The second session of the day started with the presentation of the UNICAC results, plans, and upcoming events. The institutional UNICAC coordinator Saidqosim Mukhtorov shared the current state of developing the Strategic Plan for Internationalisation in the framework of the UNICAC, which further helped to gather new ideas, recommendations and suggestions to be included in the strategic document. Then Olga Sayfulloeva from Khorog State University shared her own experience of implementation of the UNICAC project, lessons learnt and how it helping to internationalise teaching, learning and research in her home university.
At the end of the day, a roundtable with experts, Erasmus coordinators and students of the IET TSUC was organized. Students demonstrated their informedness of the UNICAC activities and Erasmus+ programme opportunities. The interested in UNICAC virtual mobility students were proactively asking questions and sharing own thought regarding studying abroad and experience the international culture.