Mr. Saidoqosim Mukhtorov presented an overview about the Tajikistan economy, included resources and needs for research and innovation activities.
Considering the huge amount of information regarding the RDI activities in different universities and their partner networks as well as the societal needs and rules and regulations related to RFOs, the seminar was exceptionally interactive showing high motivation to develop international RDI. Thanks to the available translation service, active participation of all participants was possible.
As wrapping up the results there were jointly composed a roadmap with concrete steps to enhance international RDI . Based on the previous sessions, both the IET TSUC (Institute of Economy and Trade, Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand city) and Khorog University (Khorog State University named after Moensho Nasarschov) co-designed and introduced their roadmaps. The IET TSUC roadmap is in figure 1 and Khorog University’s roadmap is in figure 2. Both universities will continue developing and implementing their roadmaps.