From 16th to 20th December 2019, the University Cooperation Framework for Knowledge Transfer in Central Asia and China (UNICAC) held the third training module in Hangkong building B416, school of mechanical engineering , Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). The participants include the international relations offices from the university of Seville (US), the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT), the National University of Uzbekistan (NUUz), the Khorog State University (KhoGU), Institute of Economy and Trade of Tajik state University (IET TSUC), the Xinjiang University (XJU), the Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), the Northwest A & F University (NWAFU). and teachers from school of mechanical engineering,NPU. Professor Shuxia Wang, the project manager hosted the training module. Inmaculada and Miguel Angel from University of Seville held the training.
On December 16, Vice dean of school of mechanical engineering Honglong Chang welcomed all the participants joining the training. He said that the Europe project was quite important for our university and we were willing to make a strong cooperation with other universities.
Miguel Angel from University of Seville introduced the schedule of the training, the schedule is followed:
Day 1-2: Fostering Quality Teaching in Higher Education: Methodologies and Good Practices.
Day 3-4: Quality Research of Higher Education Institutions: Goals, Strategies, and Achievements.
Day 5: Conclusions and Recommendations.
During the five days, all the members introduced their own universities firstly. Then, each universities shared their approaches about the quality teaching. They presented the good practices and policies like joint international degree and exchange students. As the leader, Mr. Angel introduced the good strategies and practical cases in US like flexible length of schooling, online classes and full credit system. After that, all the members discussed the question about how to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Also, they discussed the academic university rankings.
The training improved the connection between our university and other universities, develop the UNICAC network for international cooperation. All the members got together to design the strategic plans for international cooperation in the participating universities. This project will improve the international level of our school.
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IET TSUC Universidad de Sevilla incoma Laurea University of Applied Sciences Università degli Studi di Torino #NUUz Tashkent University of Information Technologies Khorog State University #NPU #NWAFU #XJU
WP2 Human Capacity Building – 3rd Training Module held in Northwestern Polytechnical University