The main goal of the Institute is to implement the decrees and edicts of the President, His Excellency, respected Imomali Rahmon for training competitive specialists in the global labor market. For this purpose, 4 primary objectives were identified:1) delivering high quality economic and legal knowledge; 2) high capacity of communication in labor activity; 3) use of modern innovative technologies; 4) fluency in at least 3 or 4 languages.
The state educational institution “Institute of Economy and Trade of the Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand city” (IET TSUC) was established by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on February 12, 2010 under №59 and has a license for educational activity № AU 0001160 on November 8, 2012 and a certificate of the state accreditation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan (Series IA 0000144) from May 10, 2011. A group of foreign specialists and experts from France, Spain, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have verified that the Institute is ready for international accreditation.
Our university is registered under the number 211 and the name of the IET TSUC in the list of all the universities of the republic, established by the National Testing Centre.
Enrollment of entrants to study at the IET TSUC is implementing in the following clusters and specialties:
№ |
Specialty code |
Name of specialty |
Form of education |
Language of instruction in full-time department |
Language of instruction in part-time department |
Full-time | Part-time | ||||||
2nd cluster – Economic and geographic specialties |
1. | 1-25010300 | World Economy |
+ |
+ |
English and Russian |
English |
2. | 1-25010407 | Finance and Credit in Foreign Economic Activities |
+ |
+ |
Tajik, English and Russian |
Tajik |
3. | 1-25010804(12) | Accounting, Analysis and Audit |
+ |
+ |
Tajik and Russian |
Tajik |
4. | 1-250107(18) | Economics and Management at the Enterprises |
+ |
+ |
Tajik and Russian |
Tajik and Russian |
5. | 1- 40010202 | Technology and Information System (in economics) |
+ |
_ |
Tajik |
_ |
6. | 1-27010116 | Economy and Production Organization (light industry) |
+ |
_ |
Tajik |
_ |
7. | 1-25010403 | Taxes and Taxation |
+ |
+ |
Tajik and Russian |
Tajik |
8. | 1-25010402 | Banking |
+ |
+ |
Tajik and Russian |
Tajik |
9. | 1-96010100 | Customs Affairs |
+ |
+ |
Tajik and Russian |
Tajik |
10. | 1-25011200 | Economic Informatics |
+ |
+ |
Tajik |
Russian |
11. | 1-25010900 | Merchandising and Commodity Expertise |
+ |
+ |
Tajik |
Tajik |
12. | 1-25011004 | Commerce in Foreign Market |
+ |
+ |
Tajik |
Russian |
13. | 1-260101 | State Management |
+ |
+ |
Tajik |
Tajik |
14. | 1-26020200 | Management |
+ |
+ |
Tajik and Russian |
Tajik |
15. | 1-260203 | Marketing in International Market |
+ |
+ |
Tajik |
Tajik |
4th cluster– Public and legal specialties |
1. | 1-24010300 | Economic Law |
+ |
+ |
Tajik and Russian |
Tajik |
2. | 1-24010104 | International Commerce Law |
+ |
– |
Tajik |
– |
The staff of the Institute consist of 210 lecturers, including 8 doctors and professors, more than 80 candidates of sciences and associate professors. 8 post-graduate students implement educational, methodical, scientific and educational activities in the Institute. More than 20 academics and lectures conduct classes in English in groups with the English language learning. These include instructors Terence Drew (USA), Vanessa Beary (USA) and Marcel Minutolo (China).
In recent years, the IET TSUC with productive activity in the educational, methodical, academic and educational fields has achieved a number of measurable successes:
2. In order to implement directives of His Excellency, President of Tajikistan Imomali Rahmon regarding training of high-qualified specialists for international market, the Institute established groups with English language of instruction. Presently, two such groups have already completed their studies and most of them are currently employed with prestigious international organizations. At this time, we are training 11 groups at which disciplines like economics, law, mathematics and others instructing in English.
3. Technical and material resources of the Institute have greatly enriched for the recent years. Presently, IET TSUC employs over 500 personal computers, all connected to a high-speed Internet. There are two language laboratories with 15 computers having listening devices, video-TV technical and other teaching aids at the Institute. The Library of institute contains more than 100 thousand textbooks. The electronic library of the institution is equipped with 30 modern personal computers, which have electronic versions of over 50 thousand textbooks, manuals and teaching materials. There are 17 classrooms are equipped with interactive electronic boards, all departments are equipped with projectors and laptops used to conduct classes at a good professional and innovative level. Internal surveillance cameras are connected in all faculties, departments, hallways and entrances.
4. Electronic automatic administration and supervision over the quality of education network of The Institute is one of the best among Universities of our country. All the information about the students (individual card, the results of entrance examinations, students’ attendance, scores obtained and others) are entered into this network. Also lecturers introduce their syllabuses, tests and other manuals to this network. It allows for student to download all academic materials. Network provides information about students’ progress. Students’ parent can get information about academic progress and attendance.
5. The Institute provides opportunity to be fluent at least 3-4 languages. The Foreign Languages Learning Center at the Institute is equipped with 20 computers, electronic boards and a round table. The Centre for the Study of Language and Culture of China has also been created at the institute. Students are taught in the Chinese language by a teacher of the highest category of Beijing Institute of Confucius’s of the Republic of China, Yang Xiaoyu and Master Rukhshona Rustamzade.
6. Training Center for Entrepreneurs trains the attendees to design business-plans, to use 1C accounting program, modern computer technologies, to get acquainted with national tax system, to study principles of family affairs and etc.
7. The Institute ranks first by the quality of education and the level of students’ knowledge among other universities of the country. The level of knowledge of our students is increasing year by year. During last three years our students of our institute have competed 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the national competition “Student and Scientific Technical Progress”. On the National competition for the Cup of the Academy of Sciences, which was held in March 2014 in Dushanbe, four our students took the first three places. In addition, on the competition, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, our students won two first places, one second place and one fourth place in different fields of academic studies.
8. Since 2010, the IET TSUC was joined to the European ERASMUS MUNDUS program. It allows senior students to be trained for a certain period in well-known universities of Europe. The Institute established foreign link give opportunity for lecturers and post-graduate students to make research and conduct internship in US or Asian Universities.
9. ENACTUS team of the Institute repeatedly won in national and international contests of students in free entrepreneurship and in 2011 they competed under the flag of Tajikistan in Malaysia. This team won the national contest and received the prize to go to Cancun in Mexico to participate in the World Championship. This team participated in international competition in Beijing (China) and was succeeded.
10. The Institute focuses on the establishment of educational technological parks. For instance, the workshop “National wear on making modern clothes has started its work. It trains students and attendees to cut, sew and make clothes. The customers place orders to make casual clothes and school uniforms. We also have a techno park “Medicinal Plants of Sughd region” and “Finance and Entrepreneurship”.
11. There are good conditions for going in for sports at the Institute. Valley-ball, mini-football, basketball, tennis and other types of sports games are continuously held in the playground of the Institute. The fitness-club is opened for the staff of employees and students equipped with 14 sports facilities, 4 tennis tables and other sports equipment.
12. All three academic buildings of the institute (classrooms and departments) are heated by central heating system to the set temperature in winter.
Our university is registered under the number 211 and the name of the IET TSUC in the list of all the universities of the republic, established by the National Testing Centre.
For consultation, contact us: Khujand, Lenin street № 169, tel: 6–03-21, 04-08-63,
fax (992 3422) 4-33-15 E- mail:,
Welcome to the IET TSUC!