How to navigate and be able to fit the Status Quo analysis into the project lifecycle, to determine market demand and anticipate the project’s sustainability for many years after its completion? In the time interval between the moment the idea of the project appears and the moment of its liquidation, many challenges are accepted and solved, for which every developer must be prepared.
Ashurova Aziza about the training “Project Cycle Management”, conducted at the IET TSUC by our mentor Aripov Maqsud: “Participation in the training was for me very useful.” I was able to learn a lot for myself and meet new, interesting people.”
Vahobzoda Shahriyor about the training “Project Cycle Management”, conducted at the IET TSUC by our mentor Aripov Maqsud:
I’m very glad that I tried myself in something new and gained more knowledge. I’m sure that this project will help me to realize my ideas in a future and, of course, to reach a new level.
Sheronova Nozima about the training “Project Cycle Management” conducted at the IET TSUK by our mentor Maksud Aripov.
“I had the most positive impressions about the training. I received a lot of useful information for myself andI hope to apply them in my life in the future. Everything was very detailed and easy to understand. I spent these four days very effectively.”