On November 11, 2021, within the framework of the UNICAC project was held online mobility under WP 3.7.2 “Multicultural and multidisciplinary professional”.
6 MODULE Theme: «Future Leadership”.
The panel event was attended by Professor Tiina Wiksrom from Laurea UAS, Mukhtorov Saidkosim UNICAC project coordinator, Khoshimov F. senior teacher of Social Science dpt. and Sharipova Sh. assistant of World Economy dpt. from IET TSUC, Hasanova Nozima from the National University of Uzbekistan, Razokova Sarvar officer of International Relations Department, and other UNICAC partners.
Professor Tiina Wikstrom informed the participants about the topic of the seminar and gave the floor to Firuz Hoshimov. He made a presentation on the topic: «Political Leadership». The participants of the seminar got acquainted with the definition of the concept of leadership, its types, and political leadership in Tajikistan. Also, Hoshimov F., emphasized the merits of the founder of peace and national unity — the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon: “Tajikistan was saved from the disappearance of the state and civil war. He carried out great fateful achievements in the political, socio-economic, cultural and historical development of the independent state of Tajikistan”.
Sharipova Sh. gave a lecture on the topic: «Future leadership». In her presentation, she talked about the incentive and use of leadership to define and set goals for achieving results. She also noted the achievements of successful young leaders in Tajikistan, such as the respected Rustami Emomali, Abdullo Kurbanov, Azizjon Azimi, and others.
After, Tiina Wikstrom spoke on the topic “Global Leadership Forecast 2021”. The seminar participants received useful information on how to build next-generation talents.
At the end of the seminar, all participants discussed the future leadership in the world and exchanged views on women leaders in their countries, equality between men and women in the role of leadership. For example, in Tajikistan, a gender policy is being gradually and progressively developed and an emphasis is placed on the economic empowerment of women because the Constitution of Tajikistan provides that men and women have equal rights (Article 17).