The IET TSUC intensifies activities within the framework of the UNICAC project. The main goals of the UNICAC aligned with the Strategic missions of the IET TSUC approved for 2020-2025 to promote Internationalization and develop International Cooperation.
We at IET TSUC are working on increasing the impact of the UNICAC results and makes forward steps for the sustainability of the project and maintaining, strengthening inter-institutional cooperation within the consortium. Today we continue working on the implementation work packages within UNICAC, despite coronavirus pandemic COVID-19.
Face to face series of training and virtual meetings for International relations offices’ staff with the Laurea University, the University of Seville and the University of Torino created a good prerequisite for adopting best practices of the EU HEIs in terms of Internationalization. Moreover, at IET TSUC we upgrading the infrastructure of the IRO, and our office was transformed to the videoconfrence room with specialized videoconfrence system equipment, mics and screen, new desktop computers.
It is appropriate to mention that, IET TSUC is working with UNICAC consortia members already. We already have agreed with the Laurea University on collaborating within International Credit Mobility KA107 in the framework of Erasmus, and we have already applied for the call 2019. Also, the IET TSUC is happy to include Laurea University to its Capacity Building project implementing through the Higher Education Development Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan. Together with the University of Torino and the University of Seville, the memorandum of understandings and mobility agreements are signed. Agreed to continue collaboration within International Credit Mobility KA107.
The IET TSUC is closely working with Central Asian and Chinese partners. This year together with the National University of Uzbekistan we have applied jointly for the Capacity Building for Higher Education in the framework of the Erasmus. We have agreed on cooperating in science and research. We agree with Tashkent University of Information Technology to cooperate in the direction of building innovative centers. The memorandum of understandings with the National University of Uzbekistan, Khorog State University has been signed as well. The IET TSUC also seeks opportunities to work with North West Agriculture-Forest University within the Chinese research funding opportunities.