On April 30 was held the next meeting of UNICAC partners. The question of the day was the organization of the series of seminars within WP3, 3.2 Raising standards in T/L through international cooperation, and 3.3 Boosting Research Capacities through international cooperation. WP coordinator from LAUREA UNIVERSITY, Minttu Raty gave instructions for the seminars based on the project plan.
- The objective of the seminar is to promote the internationalization of teaching and learning
- The seminars can be organized online or onsite
- The deadline for the seminars is October 2021
- Minimum 20 participants / 5 visitors from partner universities/organizations
- The host university and facilitators will continue planning together based on the needs and expectations of participants (teachers, other staff)
IET TSUC institutional UNICAC coordinator Saidqosim Mukhtorov has shared the IET TSUC expectations and needs for this series of seminars. Accordingly, were mentioned following:
- As the facilitator for IET TSUC will be experts from UNITO, School Management, and Economics, the seminar listeners will be from Economics dpt.
- Interesting topics are: international curriculum, methodology of teaching practical activities, organization of internships.
- IET TSUC and Khorog U in coordination with UNITO defined dates for a 3-day workshop – on 16-18 of June, 2021 both in IET TSUC and Khorog U
- On May 14, we will have a preparatory meeting.
The host universities and the facilitators will continue the planning together. Using this post we invite our interested teaching staff to register for workshops 3.2 Raising standards in T/L through international cooperation, and 3.3 Boosting Research Capacities through international cooperation at the IRO.