Disciplines of the department “Accounting, analysis and audit”


 The list of disciplines.
1. 1C – enterprises
2. 1C accounting
3. Basics of audit
4. Audit in banks
5. Audit
6. Internal audit and controlling
7. Accounting for currency transactions
8. Bank account
9. Budget calculation
10. Accounting in trade and mass nutrition.
11. Accounting and audit in business structures
12. Accounting and audit
13. Accounting in agriculture
14. Modern management accounting
15. Modern financial accounting
16. Financial Accounting
17. Accounting and reporting in tax authorities
18. Tax reporting
19. Accounting and financial accounting
20. Accounting in small enterprises
21. Management accounting
22. Automation in accounting
23. Theory of Accounting
24. Pricing
25. Pricing in the world market
26. Accounting and operating activities in banks
27. Financial Accounting
28. Practical audit
29. Practice of Accounting
30. International Standards on Auditing
31. International Standards of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Auditing
32. Balancing
33. Analysis of financial statements
34. Inspection and monitoring
35. History and Accounting
36. Features of accounting in the Tajikmatlubot system
37. Professional Ethics