Let’s look at the story with a wise look. Or why the theme of Basmachism became public?

Let’s look at the story with a wise look. Or why the theme of Basmachism became public?
The media, especially foreign and private, have begun to pay special attention to Basmachism in recent years.
This seems natural. Because the intelligentsia and thinking people usually look at the past and after years try to find out the truth, put forward their versions and give an assessment of past events. But if this is done without an objective and sound approach, then the lack of awareness of analysts is revealed, moreover, it is fraught with the introduction of society in error.

Jews and Christians in the Curved Mirror of TEO IRP.

In 2015, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan banned the activities of the IRPT as an extremist-terrorist organization (The full text of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tajikistan is posted on the NIAT “Khovar” website under the security heading). On the reasons for the adoption of such a decision in relation to the TEO IRP experts published many articles in the media. Notes of our expert Qamar NURULHAKOV are also related to this topic.

2018 Was the Year of Defeats and New Disgraces of the TEO IRP

DUSHANBE, 05.01.2019 (NIAT Khovar) – Traditionally, at the end of each year, the results of work done will be summarized, and thus conclusions will be drawn about wins and losses. Based on the results, the further process activities for the near and far future will be planed and focused. In connection with the political and ideological activities of the so-called “opposition” groups, their authority, position, and degree of influence in modern society, we had talk with Nazri Asadzoda, a leading research scientist at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, which we provide below to our readers.

Tajikistan. The truth is deadly for Kabiri! Or who is Dodojon Atovulloev and those who hated him, – S. Mirzorahmatov centrasia.org


“Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good”, – Mahatma Gandhi.

The shock of Muhiddin Kabiri and his propagandists after the exposing publication of Dodojon entitled “Kavanda” – “Wicker basket” (FB page, D.A. November 4th, 2018) did not last long. But helped them get out of this state and start a new campaign of terror against Dodojon, his next publication “Tawba” – “Repentance” (FB page, D.A., November 29th, 2018).

Statement by Shri M.J. Akbar, Minister of State for External Affairs of the Republic of India at the High-Level International Conference on Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism on May 4, 2018, Dushanbe

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Excellency Mr. Sirodjiddin Aslov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan
Dear colleagues,
Let me thank the Government of Tajikistan, the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the European Union for organizing this conference on terrorism. Such has been the rise of this viral menace to our lives and values that this gathering would be considered necessary almost anywhere on the map. But Dushanbe carries a special relevance. Tajikistan has successfully fought, defeated and reversed the brutal tide of terrorism, and it did so during what I would describe as the most dangerous of decades, the 1990s.

The National Alliance – this is the TEO IRP

On September 9, 2018, the terrorist-extremist organization Islamic Renaissance Party (TEO IRP), jointly with three out-of-the-way structure, or rather virtual structures – the Forum for Free-Thinkers of Tajikistan, the Reform and Development Movement and the Central Asian Migrants Movement, announced on the formation of the so-called National Alliance of Tajikistan, the leader of which predictably became the leader of the